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Our Mission




To make plans and projects that will assist our people wherever they are settled.
To work towards the resolve of current issues facing our people.
To work with the UK Government on the possibility of resettlement when this will arise
To continue to work in partnership with the UK Government, the Chagos Conservation Network, and other stakeholders on the Marine Protected Area in Chagos.
To continue to work in close collaboration with the UK Government on the organisation of visits to our homeland.
To work for the revitalisation of our culture, and the protection of our ancestral heritage, and to encourage cultural exchange.
To work for the capacity building of the people in language, human rights, environment protection, and key skills.
To support the work of our community groups, and to encourage entrepreneurship


In social equality, equal opportunity, and progress and the use of government to pursue these.

In a homeland that will belong to us one day, as we are the people that has the right of self determination and the right to exist.
That we will stand with the people to work for the realisation of  the different aspirations.
That as a Provisonal Government in waiting we will aim at addressing the issues and challenges in exile on homelessness, quality of life, protection of the environment in our homeland, the welfare of the people, and progress.
That if each citizen will do their part and rally behind the provisional government, we will certainly be able to make a leap forward.

Allen Vincatassin


In a homeland that will belong to us one day, as we are the people that has the right of self determination and the right to exist.


Allen Vincatassin 


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​© 2013 by The Provisional Government of Diego Garcia & the Chagos Islands


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